Camping 2k6

this years etch was courtesy of dano.
"Its like a party in the woods"

it rained the first day in. so we escaped to the pavillion. poncho's were made. attempts were mocked.

cabin fever ensued. avi and john were climbing up the walls.

me and nick duelled

"great, john's drunk and in the rafters again..."

let me tell you about my friends... they made up a drinking game where you slap your neighbor as hard as you got slapped by the person next to you. either way, the game ends when everyone is made and has a headache.

addy pwned mg.
cut to the next day-- the rain stopped. woo!

good china has the need for guns!

thats john waving a 357 magnum at his face...

after a day at the falls, the general malase sets in. as you can tell, i didnt take the camera for the Swallow Falls trip, so no pics from that wackiness.
also, i think i missed a day of photos. but thats ok. thats the day we went to the lake with canoe's, people's boats got tipped, enemies were made... vengence was sworn (by dano, mainly)
also, we had a nice dinner at the hess cabin, followed up by a trip to the arcade/ mini golf. yes, this is how we camp.

by the 3rd night, fatigue was setting in hard, as EVERYBODY was falling asleep around the campfire before midnight.

thats my BDAY CAKE. my friends are pretty awes0me. and they know if i didnt get cake that night, i would torch tentropolis to a cinder. i ate about half that cake in one sitting. i have a problem....

let me tell you MORE about my friends.... they like to burn money.

burned those dollars good... idiots.

the last day... it rained a lot. ben and ashleigh ran away; ie. they left in the morning before the rain really started.

so we left for the pavillion to get cleaned up and have our breakfast of cookies and donuts.

we had lunch at the hut. the pizza hut.

he's lost in thought.

destroying tentropolis...

avi had the weirdest looking tent, but also the one which everybody secretly wanted to have.
we all look fairly mad.

the CAST of Characters:

"John's threatening me again!"

the only thing funny about nick at 5 am is when he sings "ALL NIGHT all night ALL NIGHT all night EVERY NIGHT everynight!"

"i'm an onion"

"the only useful member of good china"

"i never did finish that soccer goal made of wood"

definately about to tackle that tree.

"i had sex with a miner and all i got was this stupid photo op"

one of the NEWbies of c-2k6.

she definately hung onto that sword all weekend.

if you think she looks sad there, you should see the pic with her and jon ass in the background.

"who brings kahkis camping?!"

oh man, remember when addy ATTACKED everyone around the campfire with a handful of cheetos. oh god, i can still hear the screams muffled by the sound of cheetos mashed up against faces.

the camping 2k6 crew... see you later idiots.
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